Centro de Ajuda local, Escola da Fé, ir ao hospital,
Linda Hoagland received a call from her husband, Richard, in which he informed her that she needed to go to the hospital urgently. Far from him, Linda suggested that Richard wait for her so they could go together, but the answer was negative.
“He called me at work saying he was sick and needed to go to the emergency room. I suggested he wait for me and he replied, ‘No. I don’t have time to wait.’”
That was the last time the two spoke. Linda looked for him in hospitals, morgues and everywhere she could think of, to no avail. In 2003, 10 years after the disappearance, Richard was finally declared dead by Justice. In addition to his wife, he also left a son.
A few weeks ago, in the United States, a young man was researching his family tree on a website when he discovered that his uncle, fisherman Terry Symansky, who died in 1991, had a family in Florida. Alarmed, the boy looked for more information about it and discovered that, in fact, a man used his uncle’s documents. It was Richard Hoagland, Linda’s husband, who everyone believed was dead.
Richard, pretending to be Terry, already had a wife and child there. To the police investigating the case, he justified himself: “I wanted to separate from my second wife, Linda, but I couldn’t go through a divorce again.”
Today Richard is in prison, and both Linda and his third wife, Mary, have divorced him.
escape from the truth
Richard spent 23 years running from his reality. Unable to face his failure, he lived in a lie.
Lecturer Renato Cardoso explains that there are two types of liars: those who lie for fear of the consequences of their actions and those who lie as a habit, because they live the lie:
“Those who lie as a matter of course deliberately deceive, without resentment or reservation, in order to achieve their selfish ends. They know what they’re doing. They’re good at it. Convincing. And dangerous.”
When these lies are in a relationship, especially a love relationship , it is certain that the relationship is doomed to end. “There is no relationship where there is a lie. If you think there is, then you are lying to yourself”, says Renato.
The person who gets involved in a relationship with a liar is likely to get hurt. Therefore, as soon as the lie is discovered, it is necessary to take actions that make the wrong person suffer the consequences of their actions.
“Change is always possible, and I am the first to believe that. But it’s not love and patience that will cause this change. Forgiving the liar and letting him feel like the victim won’t help. Your best chance to change is to suffer the consequences of your lies. Thus, the pain, loss, shame, humiliation and other punishments that life itself imposes on liars can lead them to true repentance.”
Today, having left several victims in his wake, Richard is suffering the consequences of his behavior. It is possible that he will learn his lesson, but for that he will have to recognize his mistakes and make an effort to change his behavior.
He needs what we call spiritual growth. And you? Do you think you need it too? Come to our Escola da Fé meeting at your local Help Center and receive the inspiration you need to face the difficulties of everyday life.
Date: Every Wednesday
Time: at 7:30 pm (also at 7 am, 10 am, 12 pm and 3 pm)
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