Sem teto ajuda jovem e recebe recompensa inacreditável

Centro de Ajuda local, decisões na vida, prometido na Bíblia,

Young Kate McClure, 27 years old, was driving along the I-95 highway in Philadelphia, New York state district, when her car stopped working due to lack of fuel. It was night, Kate was alone and without money. With no one to turn to, she realized that a man was approaching.

This man, bearded and poorly dressed, was visibly homeless. As he approached, Kate wondered what action to take.

“I’ve never run out of fuel before,” Kate told The Sun newspaper. “My heart was pounding.”

Before he could decide what to do, the man approached Kate and instructed her to stay inside the closed car. Immediately, the girl obeyed and heard from the homeless man that he would be back soon.

The man, named Johnny Bobbitt Jr, walked miles until he found a gas station. He used all the money he had, 20 dollars, to buy fuel and take it to where Kate was.

life reciprocates

Kate McClure was touched by Bobbitt’s gesture. Talking to the man, she discovered that he had once been in the military, but, due to bad decisions in life , he ended up living on the street. Unlucky drivers who have their car broken down there often get help from the veteran.

As a reward, Kate opened an online funding campaign aimed at raising $10,000 to buy Bobbitt an apartment. The venture was so successful that, in 25 days, it had raised $389,000. Some of the money was given to Bobbitt, who bought his house, a car and a computer. He will also receive an allowance of that amount. Another part will go to charities. Even the money destined for Bobbitt will also be sent to institutions that support homeless people.

simple explanation

It may seem like fiction, but Bobbitt’s story repeats itself every day. Evidently not always in financial matters, but life goes far beyond that. Every day people win family victories, overcome illnesses, get jobs… There are millions of successes achieved. All fulfilling what is promised in the Bible :

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance, because you serve Christ the Lord.” (Colossians 3.23:24)

According to Bishop Edson Costa, the biblical teaching is clear: man will reap what he sows. Bobbitt was honored by all the people who contributed financially. But more than that, he received from life what he gave to it. When he reached out to a desperate young woman, he helped the Lord himself, as the Bible shows.

“In our life, in our day to day life, it works exactly like this when you give your all”, explains the bishop. “What is giving your all? It’s you not doing the thing for the sake of doing it. It’s not you to make a soft body. If you’re given a mission, it’s to embrace it and give it your all. Be it as an employee, be it as a team leader, be it as a boss, be it as a father, as a mother, as a son, as an instructor. Either way.”

The bishop states that, “when you give your all, my friend, then God creates extraordinary situations to bring into your hands what you alone could not acquire”. Exactly like Bobbitt.

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