Jesus, um exemplo de comunicador

Centro de ajuda, entendido por todos, líderes da Bíblia, Projeto Independência,

It is necessary to know that publicizing a company is crucial for its survival in the market. How can you expect to get customers without them knowing you exist? A leader who cannot communicate clearly, powerfully, and concisely does not qualify as such. The best ideas are useless if they are not communicated forcefully.

Bible leaders did not have e-mail, fax machines, cell phones or even microphones. Printing did not exist in Old and New Testament times. Perhaps because of the lack of complex technologies to fall back on, they have become masters of the written and spoken word.

These communications rank as some of the strongest, most effective, and most enduring messages ever delivered in human history. No one could ignore them as “last week’s memo” or “the usual platform rant”.

The master

However, the leaders were very careful to ensure that their messages were accurately communicated from time to time and from place to place. Moses and David were experts at managing group meetings and group processes. And some of them reached thousands of people.

There are numerous examples, in the Holy Book, of good communicative leaders, but the greatest of them all, without a doubt, is Jesus. He used small task force meetings with his disciples, spoke to the general public, and confronted the ruling religious and secular authorities with equal skill.

Even using a type of language for each of his interlocutors, Jesus expressed himself in a way that could be understood by all . Over and over, he used the parable to facilitate the understanding of the message he was trying to convey.

Particularly during the time of Jesus, letters (epistles) went back and forth across the Middle East, Greece, and Rome, and were the primary means of communication between those trying to spread the Gospel in an often hostile environment.

Master’s Lessons

Today’s best leaders need to be comfortable with groups of all sizes and with a variety of communication methods. Communicating with each person individually, in small groups or large groups, involves a different kind of power, and the insightful leader develops a comfortable level with each person, mixing and matching these methods in an effective communication effort that moves the organization forward. your goals.

Use language, images and metaphors that touch your interlocutor deeply. Jesus, for example, used parables when he wanted to facilitate everyone’s understanding. He was efficient in using a universally understood language. In his parables, he suggested images that were easily apprehended by everyone.

He was creative and knew how to captivate the “listener”. Furthermore, Jesus repeatedly repeated his message to his disciples and they passed it on to others. Thus, the Good News was passed on without losing quality.

Realize that to motivate others to reach their goals, you must constantly communicate your message. Share information, as Jesus did. People are likely to discover them anyway, but from a less desirable source. It is better that they hear them from you, to establish a relationship of mutual trust.

You don’t have to be a natural speaker, as Jesus was, but understand that communication skills can be exercised and learned. He passed his messages on to his disciples, who literally practiced them on others, spreading what they had learned. Many of the apostles were not natural speakers, but they learned to be by practice.

Think about it!

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