The Fast of Daniel is based on the fast described in Daniel chapter 10 of the Bible. Daniel decided to fast for 21 days to find favor and receive wisdom and understanding from God.

Nowadays, distractions are one of the worst things that hinder our relationship with God. They come in all forms of secular entertainment and information that constantly bombard us. As the Lord Jesus said: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”. (Matthew 13:9)

Receiving the Holy Spirit requires separating from wrong decisions that have distanced you from God. Perhaps you are struggling with negative feelings – such as pride, resentment, envy, etc. – that can be harmful to your spiritual life and undermine your communion with Him. You need to be humble to recognise that you need to change, and as a result, He will pour out His Spirit upon you and do great wonders in your life.

Why participate in this purpose?

The main purpose of the fast is to receive the Holy Spirit. You are invited to start this purpose with us to see benefits in all areas of your life.

Just as fasting means more than abstaining from food, this purpose is more than abstaining from secular information or entertainment. The fast requires that we abstain from entertainment, but it also requires the right attitude, which will help you achieve your goal of receiving the Holy Spirit and reviving your spiritual life.

How to Participate?

This is your opportunity to exchange your thoughts for God’s thoughts; meditate on His Word and communicate with Him through prayer to have a true encounter with the Creator. If you want to grow spiritually and desire His seal, then this is the time.

Watch this video for guidance on how to participate in the fast to help you on this journey.

There are many books available to help with your spiritual growth during the 21 Days. Choose which book you will read for your edification by visiting our website today:

This is your opportunity to swap your thoughts for the thoughts of God; meditate on His Word and communicate with Him through prayer to have a true encounter with the Creator. If you wish to develop spiritually and desire to have His seal, then this is the time.

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