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Love comes in different forms. No love story is the same. Those who expect their dreams to come true exactly like that romantic Hollywood movie they watched, may have to review their concepts.

Justin McLeod, founder and CEO of the dating app Hinge, had a strategy. His motive behind creating the app was to help himself get over a heartbreak that occurred five years earlier when his high school sweetheart dumped him because of his alcohol addiction.

He managed to achieve sobriety, but was unable to restore his love life. Although Justin hasn’t found new love through the app, he has decided to pursue his old love. He got back together with his ex-girlfriend when she was one month away from marrying someone else.

On the surface, this is a wonderful love story, but what romantic movies fail to show is that, normally, someone ends up disappointed. Justin McLeod found happiness with his ex-girlfriend – who is now his wife – but what about the man who was going to marry her before Justin came back into his life? Was their love not real?

When you learn to love intelligently, you can develop effective strategies without the need for other people to get hurt in the story. Love Therapy is here to teach you how. In the lectures, you will learn the importance of working on yourself, building, first of all, a relationship with the Author of Love, so that it serves as the foundation for your future love relationship.

That’s the recipe for success! Many managed to find their other half by attending meetings. With this, they avoided complications and disappointments. Join the online seminar and make Love Therapy your strategy for finding emotional success.

Meeting: Terapia do Amor
Day and Time: Thursday, at 8 pm
Platforms: Participate in online meetings through our YouTube   or  Facebook

Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53005892

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