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Por que o batismo nas águas é muito mais do que um banho

apresentadas a Deus, God, Jesus, o bispo Macedo, toda a sua eternidade,

The attitude of converting and following the Lord Jesus is the most important thing in human life, as it interferes with all of your eternity . A very important act that is part of this decision is water baptism.

“Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” (Mark 16:16)

The Lord Jesus himself had to be baptized, showing the example that every Christian must follow to start the journey of faith towards the Salvation of the soul. But although simple, it represents much more than a bath.

“Through him we are buried, signifying that the life before our conversion, for us and for the world, is definitely dead. By burial, through baptism, our ego ceases to exist for sin, which will no longer have dominion over us, since we are already dead to it”, explains Bishop Macedo in the book “Nos Passos de Jesus .

It does not mean that from that moment on the person will never make a mistake again or that he will automatically drop the sin; but, as you assumed your faith in Jesus, you will have to invest in your relationship with Him and thus you will have the strength to fight against all the onslaughts of evil.

“Baptism establishes the choice of a new way of living, your will ceases to prevail because it is now dependent on God’s will for your life”, completes the bishop.

children’s baptism

A person is only prepared to be baptized after being aware of the sins committed and repenting.

“That’s the big reason why we can’t baptize children. They must, yes, be presented to God , as it is written: Then, taking them in his arms and imposing his hands on them, he blessed them. (Mark 10.16)”, adds Bishop Macedo.

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