Como alcançar o que parece inalcançável

Ascension of Jesus, fazer qualquer coisa, reuniões da Saúde, uma certa marca,

Anyone who asks for Professor Nino, in the city of Aliança, in the interior of Pernambuco, will be referred to a 67-year-old man with a gray mustache and thousands of planted trees. João Florindo is the example that the person who has a goal and the focus to fulfill it is capable of doing anything .

His mission began about 50 years ago, when he wanted to plant a row of imperial palm trees. The goal was to create 42 trees on the site, but every day he was faced with his undone work. People simply stole the seedlings of the plants until they ran out. Even so, he didn’t give up, he decided to plant eucalyptus trees, and since then he hasn’t stopped his work in favor of life.

In 2009 alone, Professor Nino planted more than 89,000 trees. He is responsible not only for landscaping, but for rebuilding a biodiversity that was believed to be lost. On the banks of the Sirigi River, for example, after the professor spent 4 years reforesting, animals such as capybaras, birds, chameleons and agouti reappeared.

When asked how he wants to be remembered by generations to come, he replies: “Like a tree planter.”

Have you been working on your plantation?

Seeing the trees in his region destroyed, Professor Nino could do like so many other people and believe that there was no turning back. By having to start the work alone, he could have given up. Just as he could give up knowing that, many, many times, his work would be undone. However, he kept his heart on that goal.

“Your heart gravitates toward what you focus on,” explains writer and speaker Renato Cardoso. “For example, if your attention goes to a certain make and model of car, your heart goes out to it. And once there, your heart will order your mind to get there. Given enough time and effort, you will have that car.”

The question is: Where does each one put their heart?

“What has your attention has your heart. What has your heart will control your attitudes”, explains Renato.

Therefore, if your attention is on defeats, problems and difficulties, your heart will also be there. Soon, your attitudes will be attitudes of a defeated person, full of problems, unable to overcome obstacles.

If, on the contrary, your attention is on the prize, on the goal you want to achieve, all adversities will be overcome, as your gaze goes beyond them. Soon, you too.

“Jesus explained it like this:  “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”  (Matthew 6:21)”, highlights Renato.

If you have a goal to reach, find out where your treasure is. If your health is preventing you from reaching your treasure, supplement your medical treatment by attending our Health meetings , every Tuesday at 12:00 pm and 7:30 pm at our local Help Centers.

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