What does it mean to serve God?

be a servant of God, lead a life of happiness,

What does it mean to serve God?
God makes a
promise to those who serve Him – a promise of making a difference in the life of His servants. However, in order to understand this, it’s important to first appreciate what it means to serve Him.

To serve God simply means to regard and consider Him in everything that you do, to remain true to His Word and to live a life that honours Him. Before you start a new job, get into a relationship or move to a new home, do you speak to God about it? Do you ask Him to show you what decisions to make? To be a servant of God means to seek His guidance and to follow through with what He knows is best for your life.

If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honour (John 12:26).

The difference we speak of, is of the presence of the Holy Spirit inside His servants, God will give His servants everything they need, and with the Holy Spirit, there is an abundance of joy. When God puts His presence in you, there is a flowing fountain that quenches your thirst. To serve God is to lead a life of happiness, this doesn’t mean it will be smooth sailing, but it does mean that God will provide for you and that as His servant you will never be lacking.

Do you want to be a servant of God? A servant that follows Him for who He is and not only what you can get in return? Our 10am Sunday morning services aim to help people connect with God, to empower people and teach them how to use their faith to achieve what they need for their lives.

If you would like to become God’s servant, we can guide and help you through this journey. For more information about the Universal Church and what we do, you can call or WhatsApp us on 020 7686 6000.

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