Disconnect to Connect

connect with God, hear God speak, relationship with God,

Latest newsWe live in an increasingly technological world, and it has been proven beneficial during this pandemic. It has allowed companies to conduct business from the comfort of their homes and shoppers to order food and clothing online. Brick-and-mortar businesses have felt the effect of not having an online presence, and many are plunging into bankruptcy because of this.

Although we are in an era where digital activity has increased due to the worldwide situation, the influx of information coming from online avenues can be overwhelming and mentally draining at this time; everything is so easily accessible that our information consumption habits are destroying our sociability, productivity, attention span and creativity.

We are so glued to a screen and attached to a device that holding a basic face-to-face conversation with someone has become quite the challenge for some. Albert Einstein said: “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.”

If people struggle to connect with those they can see, how much harder has it become for many to connect with God who they cannot see?

We’re at a time where many are feeling anxious, worried, envious, grudgeful, many are being reckless with their choices, unsure of themselves, or just plain lost. Now is the best time to disconnect from everything else that only serves as a distraction and connect to the only One who can heal the inner being.

It’s time for the 21-Day Fast of Daniel.

The Fast of Daniel is based on an event described in Daniel 10, where he decided to fast for 21 days to find favour and gain wisdom and understanding from God.

Nowadays, there are too many factors distracting us from having the relationship with God that we are supposed to have, and they come in all forms of entertainment and secular information. The purpose of the Fast of Daniel is for us to open our ears to the voice of God.

By being attentive to God’s voice, we are able to clearly identify what He wants us to let go of externally and internally to become true servants, to receive His Spirit or to be spiritually renewed by Him.

Perhaps you’ve realised that you can be judgmental and see the worst in people, that pride has a hold on your heart, that you make hasty decisions that keep getting you into trouble or that you just can’t seem to let go of sin. These are examples of ways that our will could be prevailing, but that needs to be eradicated from our lives in order for us to be vessels of honour for God. We’ll sacrifice all these things and more, putting our will aside so that we can hear God speak.

Secular information, secular music, and gossip are not allowed during this period, although gossip should not be part of one’s life at all. You will be focused on seeking the Holy Spirit, meditating on the Word of God, reading/watching the church’s content, and coming to the church as often as you can, especially on Sundays at 10am and 6pm. Let’s give more of ourselves to God so that we may receive more of Him and/or receive a new nature.

This is your opportunity. During the 21 days you can use the internet to feed your spiritual life. Here is a list of blogs and websites that will help you remain focused in this purpose:

Bishop Macedo’s blog: bishopmacedo.com
Bishop Alvaro’s blog: http://alvarolima.com
Univer video: univervideo.com





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