18 Tonnes of Donation heading to Ukraine

a great way to give back,

18 Tonnes of Donation heading to Ukraine

The ground base of the Universal Church is to help without hesitation, the unforeseen circumstances in Ukraine was an opportunity to do just that!

Over the past month the Universal Church in the UK have collected and packed every donation given and on Wednesday 12th October 18 tonnes of non-perishable items set off to Kyiv, Ukraine.

“Helping out on this appeal is a great way to give back to Ukraine and it allowed me to do something great without physically being in the country but could still see my efforts being appreciated and helping out the country.” Tai Marjadsingh North London

It is an unfortunate and unsettling time in Ukraine with the ongoing war, however, we are sure that many families will be reached through every donation given with of love.

We thank all those who generously have given and have done what the Lord Jesus said:

“For I was hungry and you gave Me food…” (Matthew 25:35)

If you have any questions or if you have been affected by this unfortunate and tragic situation, please give us a call on our 24-hour helpline 020 7686 6000.

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